Welcome to the STEP Academy PSEO information website! This site has been created as a resource to help you throughout your PSEO experience. 

Each school link above has information that is specific to that school.  

Please use the SCHOOLS drop-down menu in the top right corner and select the school, then use the buttons at the top of each schools individual page to find key resources. 

Please complete the following form once you have been accepted as a PSEO student. You only need to complete it once unless you need to update your information. 

PSEO Student Contact Information 

PSEO Application Deadlines:

Fall Semester: 

Spring Semester: 

STEP Academy Information:

Phone: 651-289-6120

Fax: 651-457-4692 

835 5th St. E.

St. Paul MN, 55106       

District Number: 4200             ACT Code: 241-193

Contact Information:       Keeley Tholen       

Have you joined Remind yet? 

ALL PSEO students are required to join remind so that you get regular updates from me about due dates, testing, and other general information. 

Students need to join the remind class by downloading the application on their phone, turn on notifications so you don't miss anything, and joining the class for their graduation year. 

You can have a link texted directly to your phone by using the link below:

Classes and join codes:

Join the class based on the year you are graduating high school. 

Class: PSEO2024STEP  

Code:  stepmn2024

Class: PSEO2025STEP         

Code:  stepmn2025

Class: PSEO2026STEP         

Code:  stepmn2026